Thank you, St. Thomas
250 t-shirts sold
Thank you, Malden Catholic!
400 t-shirts sold in 2019
- Wear your t-shirt to school on Friday, 10/25/19
- Get free admission to the Malden Catholic Blackout Cancer Football game on 10/25/19 at 7pm
- Unite with our community to support a disease that affects all of us in some way
Purchase a t-shirt from a football player
Thank you, Windham!
3,228 t-shirts sold in 2019
- Wear your t-shirt to school or work on Windham Blackout Cancer Day 9/27/19
- Get free admission to the Blackout Cancer Football game on 9/27/19- tailgating at 5pm, game at 7pm
- Unite with our community to support a disease that affects all of us in some way